Coats for Kids 2024 Salyersville Kentucky Magoffin County

Coats for Kids: How the Salyersville Masonic Lodge is Keeping Children Warm This Winter

As the cold season approaches, many children in Magoffin County face the harsh reality of not having proper winter clothing. Salyersville Masonic Lodge #769 has stepped in with their “Coats for Kids” program, an initiative dedicated to ensuring that children from low-income families receive the warmth they need during the winter months. The program, which has been running for over a decade, continues to grow each year, with a simple yet powerful mission: to provide children with winter shoes, socks, underwear, and a warm coat.

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What is the “Coats for Kids” Program?

The “Coats for Kids” program partners with resource directors from all five Magoffin County schools to identify the children most in need. These children may not have adequate clothing for winter, putting their health and well-being at risk. By working directly with schools, Salyersville Masonic Lodge #769 ensures that the children receiving assistance are those who need it most.

Each year, the lodge commits to spending $100 on each child identified by the resource directors. Thanks to partnerships with local stores, they are able to purchase winter shoes, socks, underwear, and a coat for each child at a discounted rate, stretching every donation to provide maximum impact. The cost of keeping one child warm for the winter is kept to $100, making it easier for donors to understand exactly where their contributions are going and how they are making a difference.

A Decade of Growth and Support

When the “Coats for Kids” program first began over ten years ago, the lodge was helping five to six children per year. However, due to the overwhelming response and generosity of the community, the program has expanded exponentially. Last year alone, Salyersville Masonic Lodge was able to help 120 children stay warm during the harsh Kentucky winter, raising $12,000.

This year, the lodge has set an even more ambitious goal: to help 150 children, which would require raising $15,000. While this is no small task, the lodge remains optimistic, knowing that the community has always rallied behind this worthy cause.

Why Support Coats for Kids?

Winter can be an especially difficult time for low-income families. As temperatures drop, the need for adequate clothing rises, yet many families simply cannot afford to buy the necessary winter gear for their children. Without a warm coat or proper winter shoes, children are more likely to fall ill and may even miss school, leading to disruptions in their education.

By donating to the “Coats for Kids” program, individuals and businesses can make a direct and tangible difference in the lives of children. Each $100 donation provides a full set of winter clothing, helping to ensure that no child goes without the essentials they need to stay warm and healthy.

How You Can Help

There are several ways to get involved and support the “Coats for Kids” program:

  • Donate Money: The simplest way to contribute is by making a financial donation. Every $100 raised means one more child will be fully equipped for the winter. Donations can be made by check, payable to the Salyersville Masonic Lodge with “Coats for Kids” noted in the memo line.
  • Spread the Word: Sharing information about the program with friends, family, and on social media can help raise awareness and increase donations. The more people who know about the program, the more children can be helped.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: Local businesses can also get involved by sponsoring the program or offering discounts on winter clothing purchases, further maximizing the impact of each donation.

You may contact Paul Montgomery for more information 606-424-6302

A Community Effort

The success of the “Coats for Kids” program is a testament to the power of community. Over the years, the Salyersville Masonic Lodge has been able to help hundreds of children, all thanks to the generosity of local residents, businesses, and organizations. Every donation, no matter the size, helps the lodge move one step closer to reaching their goal of ensuring that every child in Magoffin County has the clothing they need to face the winter with confidence.

Looking Ahead

As the Salyersville Masonic Lodge continues to expand its reach, the hope is that no child will ever have to endure the cold without proper clothing. Each year brings new challenges, but also new opportunities to make a difference. With the support of the community, the “Coats for Kids” program will continue to grow, providing warmth and comfort to the children who need it most.


The “Coats for Kids” program is more than just a charitable initiative; it’s a lifeline for families struggling to make ends meet. By ensuring that children have the clothing they need for winter, the program helps to protect their health and well-being, while also providing peace of mind for parents. If you are looking for a way to make a real difference this winter, consider donating to the Salyersville Masonic Lodge’s “Coats for Kids” program. Your generosity could be the reason a child stays warm this winter.


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