magoffin county boys basketball

The Magoffin County Boys Finally Did it, They Won the 15th Region

The Magoffin County Boys basketball team finally does it. They Won the 15th region championship.

Throughout the history of Magoffin County Boys Basketball we’ve had quite a few great teams, so its always a shock whenever you talk about Magoffin County Basketball history and you wonder how in the world didn’t that team go to state.

I’ll try to be as articulate as I can today in this article, but mostly this will just be me speaking from my heart as a Magoffin County Alumni, a fan of Basketball, and a long time Hornet Fan.

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Let’s not forget 2006 Girls Basketball Team

Before I begin on a journey we are all quick to forget about the 2006 Girls Basketball team which has made it to state and won a regional championship too.

That being said I’ve never been a follower of Girls/Women’s basketball, much like I’m not a follower of Swimming sports or hockey. If I continue down the path of covering sports on here or wherever I’ll try to do a better job about covering our lady hornets. I’ll need help though! If I miss a game just shoot me a message or something on Facebook! The more Magoffin Sports I can cover the better in my mind.

This was an amazing achievement however and I’m sorry if it slips my mind but I was reminded today about how in 2006 William Helton Declared HORNET DAY and people stormed out of the HI school for him to quickly call off Hornet Day trying to wrangle everyone else back up.

Why Magoffin County Basketball Boys Winnings means so much…

Growing up in Magoffin County there is one thing all the boys played.

That was basketball.

At the park, in the back yard, school yard, or even on the basketball team.

Don’t get me wrong, I love FOOTBALL way more than basketball but Magoffin/Kentucky basketball is just a thing here. I don’t know how else to describe it, but it is just what it is here. If you are a boy growing up in the mountains their is no doubt in my mind you’ve picked up a basketball and tried to throw it through a hoop.

I want to share what Paul Montgomery (Gumby) Shared on Facebook.

There are even more Stories throughout the Years

I’ve never really been good at basketball either, I mean I made the high-school basketball team freshman year and ended up quitting when they asked my shoe size but that’s a story for another time. All my friends/family played and looking back I wish I would’ve stuck it out in high-school and played but it is what it is.

I’ve always cheered from the sidelines, showed up to some of my best friends shooting the 3 ball to sink the game winning shot against Johnson Central in the 57th district. Yet, there has never been a team UNTIL NOW, that has made it to state!

Whenever I was on the middle school basketball team the 1999-2000 team was literally insane. Everyone on the team was 6ft+ not to mention the giant 7-footer Tim Summa and everyone on the team could absolutely play basketball.

Aden Barnett and Robert Barnett Basketball

Robert Barnett my favorite players back on that team, not to mention he was from good ole CRAFT CREEK Kentucky! His son Aden Barnett was the leader of this 2024 team that has won the 15th Regional Title!

That’s been 24+ years ago! That team was covered by WMYT, WKYT and everything! I’m sure it means the world to him that his SON got it done this team and will remain in history the first team to ever win the Regional Championship!

Take a look at this post, someone that played in for the “Salyersville Highschool” basketball team in 1953 before it ever was Magoffin!

Salyersville high School basketball 1953

See Sheldon Clark, now Martin County ended my High School Football playing days, if we had won we would’ve went to the tournament…

Magoffin County Basketball 2024

I wish I knew all the great teams that played at Magoffin County throughout the years, if you have a story about one of the basketball teams or heck even football and would want to share please contact me.

Congratulations to the 2024 Magoffin County Boys Basketball Team

Magoffin County Boys basketball team 2024 winning regionals

I’m so proud of this team, you all have worked hard to bring this to Magoffin County and I know it might not mean much coming from Big John Howard but thank you all for bringing this to our small community. This has brought everyone closer together and I know I’ll be sitting in the stands Wednesday 11am cheering on the hornets wearing my Magoffin County gear for the first time. As these boys take stage at the greatest college basketball team’s court Rupp Arena!

Man to get on that court 1 time and play basketball like some of the greats is just something special and I want all of you to cherish it.

Made this video to commemorate this occasion congrats to the 2024 Basketball Team.

(Photos on this article and video are credit to Jim Arnett)

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